UN's Francesca Albanese’s Global Network of Terror Supporting Minions, Including Ramzy Baroud
The Global Network on the Question of Palestine (GNQP), Co-Founded by Francesca Albanese, Behind Coordinating Lawfare against Israel.
Since lawfare has become a primary tool for delegitimizing Israel on the international stage, and Francesca Albanese is a key figure behind such efforts, I felt it was important to address Ramzy Baroud’s ties to these initiatives—especially after Francesca Albanese’s recent 40-minute appearance on the latest Palestine Chronicle “Floodgate” podcast with him. While this is not part of the lawsuit or the claims against Ramzy or The Palestine Chronicle, it remains a crucial aspect of the broader campaign.
As part of the key groups and organizations which are highly coordinated in a global scale and connected to the Palestine’s Chronicle Ramzy Baroud, we can’t ignore lawfare and one key organization behind it all: the "Global Network on the Question of Palestine" (GNQP), co-founded by none other than the UN’s Francesca Albanese.
The GNQP, through its expansive network of individuals and organizations, has been pivotal in orchestrating coordinated campaigns to target Israel using international legal systems and diplomatic channels. But how is it connected to the case against Palestine’s Chronicle and Ramzy Baroud? Well, Ramzy is, of course, a member of the GNQP!
Since its creation, the GNQP has rapidly expanded, and by 2022, it included over 100 individuals and organizations across 22 countries. The network consists of a diverse range of members, from former cabinet ministers, senior UN and UNRWA officials, NGOs, academics, members of the PLO and the European Parliament. Francesca Albanese’s GNQP operates as a powerful collective aimed at influencing international policy and international courts, with the ultimate goal of isolating Israel diplomatically and legally.
The GNQP operates under the auspices of the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), an organization based in Amman, Jordan. Francesca Albanese joined the ARDD in 2018 as a senior advisor. ARDD, is a listed partner of UNRWA and ARDD’s financial backing comes from various UN agencies such as UNOCHA, UNHCR and UNWomen, as well as international donors, including the European Union, USAID, The U.S. State Department, Norway, Germany, and France, and organizations like the Ford Foundation.
For example, in 2017, the U.S. State Department awarded $650,000 to ARDD, and in 2022, it awarded $25,000. Interestingly, while ARDD claims that USAID was one of its donors, I couldn’t find any record of donations from USAID to ARDD.
Could it be part of the $200 million in “miscellaneous” projects for “Palestine” reported by NGO Monitor, with no information on where the money actually went? Are donors aware that tax payer money is supporting a network actively working to delegitimize Israel, influence their own policies, and target Israel and their own countries through lawfare and media campaigns? Pathetically, probably yes and they are happy to contribute to “the cause”!
The network has seven “youth leaders,” including Francesca Albanese’s research assistant Sara Troian who tried, at Albanese’s request, to get paid in exchange for a lecture by Francesca Albanese at Columbia University. UN Watch filed a complaint at the UN and demanded an investigation, one was formally opened by the UN. We already know what it will say, “She did nothing is wrong.”
GNQP also includes nearly a dozen institutions including the Hamas-linked Palestine Return Centre, and European Legal Support Centre, linked to designated terrorist organization, PFPL. The European Legal Support Centre’s mission and work are “coordinated with Palestine Legal in the US with the aim of complementing each other’s efforts and amplifying impacts.”
In 2015, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh congratulated the Palestinian Return Centre for winning UN status and “stressed the vital role played by the PRC in the legal and political arena.” The congratulations happened over a phone call between Haniyeh and the head of PRC, Majed al-Zeir. Who voted in favor of the UN recognition for PRC? Pakistan, Sudan, Iran, Turkey, South Africa, Venezuela, China and Cuba. Quite the gang!
Among the members, you also have Al-Haq, led by Shawan Jabarin, a former PFLP operative, he likes to submit letters to the ICC to accuse Israel of all sorts of crimes, while Jabarin is also now suing the United States with the help of DAWN, one of the leading organizations behind lawfare against Israel.
DAWN, which also has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, is now also suing the U.S. on behalf of a known terrorist for supposedly “failing to enforce the Leahy Law”—a euphemism for not preventing Israel from defending itself, or essentially, not allowing terrorists to kill more Jews. And most recently, DAWN has also filed a referral the ICC “urging the ICC” to investigate Biden, Blinken and Austin for “Aiding and Abetting Israeli Crimes in Gaza.”
Another notable member organization of Francesca Albanese’s GNQP is “Law for Palestine (L4P)”, founded in 2020 and registered as a non-profit in the UK and Sweden and without much information on who funds the entire operation. It signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD) on October, 2022, to “strengthen cooperation.” Since late 2021, ARDD has been a partner in the L4P initiated Jurists for Palestine Forum. In 2021, Israel designated six non-profits as terrorist organizations for their ties to the PFLP, among other things, who came to their defense? Some of those who defended them included Law for Palestine (L4V) and Francesca Albanese, who published her support on Ramzy Baroud’s Palestine Chronicle.
The main goal of Jurists for Palestine Forum, as described in their website is “to create and network between legal professionals and lawyers interested in Palestine from around the world, to provide training, raise awareness, and coordinate work in this area.” In July 2022, L4P received accreditation from the UN Committee on the “Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.”
Yes, Palestinians have more than just UNRWA dedicated to them. The UN has over a dozen committees, bodies, and unique things specifically focused on Palestinians and demonizing Israel at the UN, including two dedicated days each year. November 29 (the day of the UN vote for the Partition Plan) has been commemorated since 1977 as the "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People," 2014 was the “International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” and since 2022, May 15 (Israel’s Independence Day) has been marked as "Nakba Day."

In their website Law for Palestine (L4P) also states ”In a short period, L4P has emerged as a credible source of information and a hub for discussion among international law scholars and professionals interested in the Question of Palestine. Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territory, described the organization as one of the most positive developments in advocacy for Palestine in quite a long time.”
And here is the kicker! Also from their website: “Law for Palestine has cultivated a wide network of partner organizations and universities globally, including partnerships with United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) members to conduct joint activities in the UN and the Human Rights Council.” And in 2024 joined the Coalition for the International Criminal Court to “Amplifying Voices for Accountability in Palestine”
I want you to understand—the United Nations partners with organizations whose sole purpose is to wage lawfare against Israel. Some of those organizations are key members of another global network, co-founded by a UN representative, Francesca Albanese—and they openly brag about it!
But lets see one example of their work in action. In June 2022, Law for Palestine hosted a webinar titled, “Absence of Palestine in the ICC: Why is Palestine ‘De-Prioritized’, and What is To be Done?” The webinar discussed “the possible action plans to push the case forward and have it ‘re-prioritized’ by the ICC Prosecutor.” The moderator of the webinar was another member of Francesca Albanese’s GNQP network, Diana Buttu, Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and former spokesperson for the PLO.
One year later, on June 2023, the Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK (AOHR UK) seem to have followed the initiative and sent a letter addressed to ICC’s Karim Khan, “urging” him to put priority on the investigation against Israel. The letter was signed by nearly 150 activist, academics, politicians, lawyers, NGO’s, and more. Among those who signed the letter, Ramzy Baroud, of course!.

Other notable members of Francesca Albanese’s GNQP networks who signed the letter:
Lex Takkenberg - Senior Policy Advisor for its parent ARDD and former long-term senior staff member of UNRWA.
Kjersti G. Berg, UNRWA expert and post-doctoral research fellow at Denmark’s Christian Michelson Institute (CMI), one of the three groups that led the recent “Independent Review” of UNRWA, lead by Catherine Colonna.
Diana Buttu - Palestinian-Canadian lawyer and a former spokesperson for the PLO, infamous for justifying Hamas placement of rockets in UNRWA schools during summer vacations.
Richard Falk - former UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine (2008-2014), he was denounced by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his 9/11 conspiracy theories. He was also condemned by the US, Canada and the UK for his antisemitism and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Hamas front “Human Rights Organization,” Euro-Med.
In addition, some others signatories include organizations also liked to Hamas and the overall network of organizations coordinating with Ramzy Baroud, all covered in Part 3, among those who also signed the letter: Sarah Leah Whitson -Executive Director of DAWN and Hatem Bazian - Founder of AMP and SJP.
Behind The Invention of “Anti-Palestinian Racism”
Law for Palestine (L4P), a member of Francesca Albanese’s GNQP, also hosted a webinar with Ramzy Baroud and Dania Majid, the inventor of the term “Palestinian Racism” in 2022, a concept designed to silence anyone who supports Israel. Dania Majid, co-founder and president of the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), are the ones behind trying to institutionalize “anti-Palestinian racism” as a new form of “racism” worldwide. Dania Majid has also been been reported by Canary Mission to be a prominent and disruptive fixture at the pro-Hamas protests and encampments at Canadian Universities.
You know who else uses “anti-Palestinian racism” allegations to silence those exposing their ties to terrorism? Of course—Ramzy Baroud. He accused me, Eitan Fischberger, Visegrad, and many others accounts on X of “mobilizing in a coordinated campaign” after people started posting about his journalist’s ties to Hamas and the Palestine Chronicle last year, following the rescue of the hostages.
One unique aspect of this new type of “racism” is that it doesn’t have to apply specifically to Palestinians. If someone opposes your support for terrorism—regardless of whether you are white, Black, Latino, Asian, or of any other race—you can still accuse them of “anti-Palestinian” racism. I kid you not, this is part of the framework for applying the term, which was invented by Dania Majid. In Canada, for example, the term was introduced into educational frameworks without a clear definition or any data distinguishing it from Islamophobia or anti-Arab racism, yet it is now recognized as a new form of "racism" targeting anyone who supports Israel and Jews. The push to institutionalize this concept can be credited to Dania Majid.
Another very notable organization which is part of Francesca Albanese’s GNQP is Visualizing Palestine. By 2023, it had 731 members and its visuals were getting used by over 10 student groups at universities. JewishOnliner releases full report on them, exposing the organization’s efforts to indoctrinate American youth from its headquarters in Lebanon, masquerading as a U.S.-based nonprofit. Visualizing Palestine (VP), is behind producing highly visual propaganda infographics. Including of course, Dania Majid’s invention, “anti-Palestinian racism” propaganda campaigns.
As JewishOnliner revealed, much of its material is meant for printing and spread across educational institutions as flyers. “VP’s explicit efforts is to infiltrate the American education system and its stated goal is to influence the Western public…. Visualizing Palestine maintains a strong working relationship with Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)…. Recent reports have also linked JVP to Lebanon, suggesting that there may be a network of Lebanese-tied groups working in collaboration to amplify anti-Israel narratives in the U.S….”
It is also a known “secret” that Jewish Voices for Peace is not “Very Jewish” nor advocates for peace, but in fact is part of the organizations behind the chaos at the universities and just one more organization run by Hamas affiliate, Hatem Bazian, founder of AMP and SJP. On a tweet from May, 2023, Hatem Bazian forgot to change the account he was tweeting from and we can see how he pretended to be a Jew, while pushing Dania Majid’s invention of “anti-Palestinian racism.”
The “Genocide” Libel
UN Watch documented the coordination between Francesca Albanese and GNQP to spread the “Genocide” libel. Francesca Albanese has been accusing Israel of “genocide” for over a decade and as UNWatch wrote in its expose,
“Only 10 days after October 7th, Albanese’s Global Network accused Israel of “genocide” and urged states to bring Israel before the ICJ. One month later, these genocide claims against Israel were echoed in a statement by 41 UN special rapporteurs, initiated by Global Network leader Francesca Albanese. A month later, South Africa filed its genocide case against Israel. Then in January, the Global Network threatened countries that support of Israel would bring legal consequences. A month later, Nicaragua filed a case against Germany at the ICJ for its support of Israel.” - UN Watch
Coordinated Campaign to Save UNRWA
On June 2024, UNWatch also revealed how Francesca Albanese’s GNQP was behind a highly racist, unethical and manipulative campaign targeting countries to reinstate funding to UNRWA. Formulating a “10-Point Plan” and as reported by UNWatch,
“The chief authors of the Albanese Global Network’s strategy and messaging plan are Chris Gunness, the former UNRWA spokesman who celebrated Hamas murder of “collaborators,” and Albanese’s close political partner Lex Takkenberg, UNRWA’s former legal counsel. Albanese, Gunness, and Takkenberg describe themselves as “old friends and colleagues.” The plan called for members of Albanese’s network to approach “the small number of officials in each defunding capital” in order to “reverse the defunding decision,” by using its own racist messaging, including telling right-wing EU governments of the threat of Arab “illegal immigrants” overwhelming Europe — “which will form the basis of that conversation.” - UNWatch
The plan also included an annex containing an implementation plan. Including a list of the officials in each country who needed to be approached to reverse UNRWA’s defunding decision.
A summary of the 10-point-plan or as they called it “Ten Steps to Recovery”
Donor Re-engagement – “The strategic goal of this plan is work with the ‘good donors’ to bring back the ‘defunders.’ To that end, UNRWA will collaborate with donors such as Norway and Ireland to convene The Good Donorship Forum at the level of Minister or Deputy Minister within a week.”
Policy Shift Justification – Donors need a policy justification to resume funding. The OIOS report will be framed to downplay Israeli allegations, preparing the ground for renewed aid, using allies in the media to push the claim that UNRWA has no ties to Hamas before the OIOS report is released.
Messaging Strategy – Key donors like Norway must lead the messaging, emphasizing “Europe’s role in humanitarian efforts”, UNRWA’s swift action, and the risks of a humanitarian crisis triggering mass migration to Europe.
Providing a Path to Restore Funding – UNRWA will guide donors in using the OIOS report as justification for resuming aid while maintaining their stance on neutrality.
Good Donorship Forum (GDF) – A non-accusatory donor forum will be convened to coordinate public funding renewal announcements and create mutual cover for reversing defunding decisions.
Immediate Diplomatic Efforts – Within three days, UNRWA will engage “good donors” (e.g., Norway, Ireland) to pressure defunders (e.g., Australia, Netherlands, UK, Switzerland, Germany) into resuming aid.
Adapting to US Absence – The US is unlikely to return as a donor. The EU and Germany must step up, while Gulf States will be encouraged to contribute to visible projects rather than general funding.
Funding Reallocation Strategy – Europe should shift funding from WFP and UNICEF to UNRWA, while the US to redirect its “UNRWA money” to those agencies.
Counteracting Israeli Pressure – With the US out, Israel may push to block UNRWA operations (It did). “UNRWA must immediately move from the defensive, onto the offensive in terms of messaging, shifting the global conversation around UNRWA to a new terrain, purveying overtly political messages”
Long-Term Narrative Shift – Messaging must focus on UNRWA’s role in regional stability, preventing illegal migration to Europe.
Key Messages
UNRWA is unmatched in the region and essential.
Defunding UNRWA threatens stability in the Middle East and undermines multilateralism.
UNRWA is heavily audited and has proven its institutional integrity.
Replacing UNRWA with other UN agencies is unfeasible; its 13,000 staff far exceed a few hundred in other agencies.
Keeping Palestinian refugees in the region through UNRWA is far cheaper than resettling them in Europe.
These are just a few examples of the vast, coordinated network of organizations, former UN officials, academics, and politicians who are part of GNQP, co-founded by UN’s Francesca Albanese—that relentlessly target Israel at the UN and international courts and influences foreign policy, while working in tandem with media outlets and universities to demonize Israel, the West, and the Jewish people.
Once again, Ramzy Baroud is part of this effort, but the head of the organization is Francesca Albanese. Perhaps she should be added as a defendant in the case for her role in coordinating between Hamas, the media, universities—an effort that should also include lawfare and actively lobbying to fund terrorism through UNRWA, using manipulative and racists campaigns and targeting lawmakers. And let’s not forget, this sprawling operation of delegitimization is, in large, funded by our tax dollars.
Terrible mislead idiot