Excellent article! I’ve been following the scandal on X. I would like help getting Yousef Hammash’s doc, This Is Gaza, thoroughly investigated. High School teachers in California, and I’m sure in other states, are showing this in 9th grade World History classes. Totally inappropriate, we need quick action! The indoctrination against Israel & Jews is happening at an even more rapid pace now in K-12 American schools. The situation is critical.

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You are totally right, the situation is critical and the indoctrination is beyond belief. Here is some examples on how bad it is and how young are kids getting targeted https://globaldisconnect.substack.com/p/qatar-funded-indoctrination-in-americas?r=1g37ub

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The BBC has used tactics like this for decades… from telling stories from only one side, publishing dramatic and unverified “accounts” as though they are presenting facts, to running sensational, dishonest headlines and publishing photographs from other times and places just to dramatize the lies. I can’t tell you the extraordinary number of retractions the BBC has published after being called out on these despicable practices. Usually, it’s just the Jewish community that fights this journalistic BS and I am so happy to see the antisemitic BBC being called out for the world to see… please share this BBC piece with at many mainstream platforms as possible, because the mainstream usually just ignores it

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Channel 4 like the BBC must be properly investigated. If they are aiding terrorists then there should be prosecutions and sacking right through the decision chain.

I suspect right through both Channel 4 and the BBC many people were complicit, even high up the chain.

Where does it stop?

What other works have they produced or assisted on ?

Taxpayers monies ?

Funding from Qatar or others ?

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David Collier does amazing work. If it isn’t already working on Channel 4, CAMERA UK should pitch in here.

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Channel 4 is also showing the lying oscar ‘documentary’ no other land.

Needless to say, I will not be watching said garbage, and will be boycotting channel 4 from this point onwards. Not that I watch much, like the bbc, their content is garbage.

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